I am suppose to write a paragraph with details. Could you explain writing with details.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In a standard paragraph, there are usually 5 sentences. The first sentence states what you are going to write about. The last sentence summarizes is and the 3 in the middle need details to "proove your point" if that's what you are doing. Is it the word "details" that you don't understand? Use adjectives describing the noun, for example.


To write a paragraph in detail is pretty easy. Just add description words and adjectives. It's better not to over do it and add five adjective per sentence- there should be a maximum of maybe two/three decribing things in a sentence. Try to vary the lengths of your sentences as well.

I have heard that a paragraph is generally five to six sentences in length but can extend up to seven.

Writing with details is about providing specific and vivid information in your paragraph to make it more engaging and informative. Here's how you can do it:

1. Choose a theme: Decide on a central topic or idea for your paragraph.

2. Brainstorm details: Think about the different aspects, qualities, or examples related to your theme. Consider sensory details (sight, sound, taste, smell, touch) or specific facts and examples.

3. Use descriptive language: When writing, use descriptive words that help paint a clear picture for the reader. Instead of writing "It was a nice day," you can say "The sun-kissed the sky as a gentle breeze rustled the leaves."

4. Show, don't tell: Instead of simply stating facts, try to show them through anecdotes, examples, or personal experiences. This way, readers can visualize and connect with the information.

5. Be specific: Provide precise details that enhance the reader's understanding. For instance, instead of saying "There were many cars," you could say "The street was filled with a bustling procession of vehicles - sleek sports cars, honking taxis, and shiny SUVs."

6. Focus on the senses: Engage your readers by appealing to their senses. Describe how something looked, sounded, smelled, tasted, or felt to create a more immersive experience.

7. Revise and edit: After completing your paragraph, read it through to check for clarity, coherence, and redundancy. Trim down any extraneous details while retaining the ones that enhance the overall meaning.

Remember, writing with details adds depth and flavor to your paragraph, making it more interesting for your readers.