What are improper factors?

How do we find improper factors for any given numbers?

ineed help people pls help me .

isuck at math .

Question / thingi thing yea

Using the terms factor , divisor , multiple , product , and divisible by , write as many statements as you can about the number sentence 4x7=28 .


using the terms factor,divisor,multiple,product,and divisible by,write as many statements as you can about the number sentence 4x7=28.

Theres no wrong or write factors its prime numbers or composite and composite is example 18 is composite becuase there 2 diffrent ways to multiply to 18 example:1x18,9x2 that's a composiye and a prime number is only 1 way to multiply example number 2 you can only do 2x1 and 1 is not a factor the littlest factor is 2

You just write statements about the number sentence using those words, I guess

I'll give you a hint, there are 10

i need help what jonathan said

dyv seivh hfy yrgo oeytsbz

Improper factors, also known as composite factors or non-trivial factors, are the numbers that divide a given number evenly, excluding 1 and the number itself. In other words, they are the whole numbers that divide a given number without leaving a remainder, and are not equal to 1 or the number itself.

To find the improper factors of any given number, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the number for which you want to find the improper factors.
2. Make a list of all the whole numbers that are smaller than the given number.
3. Test each number from the list to see if it evenly divides the given number without any remainder.
4. If a number satisfies this condition, it is an improper factor.
5. Continue testing all the numbers in the list until you reach the halfway point of the given number (or earlier, if you find all the improper factors).

Let's take an example to illustrate this. Suppose you want to find the improper factors of the number 12.

1. The given number is 12.
2. Make a list of numbers smaller than 12: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
3. Test each number from the list to see if it divides 12 evenly:
- 2 does divide 12 evenly (12 divided by 2 equals 6).
- 3 also divides 12 evenly (12 divided by 3 equals 4).
- 4 divides 12 evenly (12 divided by 4 equals 3).
- 5 does not divide 12 evenly.
- 6 divides 12 evenly (12 divided by 6 equals 2).
- 7 does not divide 12 evenly.
- 8 does not divide 12 evenly.
- 9 does not divide 12 evenly.
- 10 does not divide 12 evenly.
- 11 does not divide 12 evenly.
4. The improper factors of 12 are 2, 3, 4, and 6.

By following these steps, you can find the improper factors of any given number.

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