A sales clerk's weekly salary is $300 plus 2% of her total week's sales. find a function P(x) for her pay for a week in which she sold X dollars of mrchandise.

P(x) = 300 + .02 x


To find a function for the sales clerk's pay, we need to consider that her weekly salary is $300 plus 2% of her total week's sales.

Let's break down the calculation step by step:

1. The weekly salary is fixed at $300.
2. The sales clerk also earns an additional amount based on the total week's sales.
3. This additional amount is calculated as 2% of the total week's sales.

Let's denote the total week's sales as "x" dollars.

The additional amount earned based on sales can be calculated as:
additional amount = 2% of x
= (2/100) * x
= 0.02x

Hence, the sales clerk's pay for a week in which she sold X dollars of merchandise (x is the total week's sales) can be represented by the function:

P(x) = $300 + 0.02x

In this function, P(x) represents the clerk's pay in dollars and x represents the total week's sales in dollars.