definitions for


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Sure! Here are the definitions for each of the terms you mentioned:

1. Matriarchal: This term refers to a social system or family structure in which women hold the primary power, authority, and decision-making roles. In matriarchal societies, descent is typically traced through the maternal line, and women often have dominant roles in areas such as inheritance, lineage, and governance.

2. Bigamy: Bigamy is the act of being married to more than one person at the same time. It is considered illegal or socially unacceptable in many cultures and legal systems, as it goes against the principle of having only one spouse at a time.

3. Egalitarian: Egalitarian refers to a belief in, or the practice of, equal rights, opportunities, and treatment for all individuals, regardless of their gender, socioeconomic status, race, or any other characteristic. Egalitarianism promotes fairness, justice, and equality in various aspects of life, such as politics, economics, education, and social interactions.

4. Bilneal: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a specific definition for the term "bilneal." It's possible that it might be a misspelling or a less commonly used term. If you have any additional context or if the term is related to any specific field or discipline, I can try to provide a more accurate explanation.

5. Patrilineal: Patrilineal refers to a system or practice where family lineage, inheritance, and related social aspects are traced through the paternal or father's side. In patrilineal societies, descent is typically passed down from father to son, and family wealth, property, and authority are predominantly inherited through the male line.

6. Matrilineal: Matrilineal is the opposite of patrilineal. It refers to a system or practice where family lineage and inheritance are traced through the maternal or mother's side. In matrilineal societies, descent is often passed down through the female line, and important social roles, property, and authority may be inherited through the female line as well.

Remember, these definitions are simply explanations, and the specific context and cultural variations of these terms may differ across different societies and disciplines.