can anyone tell me how do we get to know about the history about the writing materils.......esp the times that i can the timeline website or anything

Check these sites.

thanks for helping..........I went to both the website and i got the explanation but their is no time from when it strated or when it changed or anything u know any web which has mentined about the times???

Both sites have many times mentioned for the inventions and use of various materials.

To learn about the history of writing materials, including the timeline of their development, you have several resources available:

1. Online Websites: There are numerous websites devoted to the history of writing materials. Some reliable sources include:

- The British Library's website: They have an extensive collection of manuscripts and historical documents, along with informative articles on the history of writing materials.
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Their website provides a comprehensive exploration of the history of writing tools and materials.
- Wikipedia: While not always completely reliable, Wikipedia can give you a general overview and link you to more specific sources.

2. Online Libraries and Archives: Many libraries and archives provide digital collections and databases that include historical documents related to writing materials. Examples include:

- The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA): It offers a wide range of digitized materials, including historical manuscripts.
- The Internet Archive: It provides access to digital texts, archival material, and even old books on writing materials.

3. Books and Publications: Libraries, bookstores, or online retailers have an array of books and publications dedicated to the history of writing materials. Some popular titles include:

- "The Story of Writing: Alphabets, Hieroglyphs & Pictograms" by Andrew Robinson.
- "The Pen and the Brush: How Passion for Art Shaped Nineteenth-Century French Novels" by Anka Muhlstein.
- "The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting" by Anne Trubek.

When using online sources, be sure to check the credibility and reputation of the website or author. Additionally, cross-referencing information from multiple sources can help ensure accuracy.

By exploring these resources, you should be able to learn about the history of writing materials, including the times and timeline of their development.