if an airplane carring the u.s. swim team crashed directly on the border between the united states and canada, in which country would the survivors be buried?

Why should the survivors be buried at all?

i need answer

Well, if someone survies a crash, they are alive and thus do not need to buried... no matter the location.

;) i think it's a trick question.


To determine in which country the survivors would be buried if an airplane carrying the U.S. swim team crashed directly on the border between the United States and Canada, we need to consider a few factors.

1. Jurisdiction: Jurisdictional rules and agreements between the two countries would come into play. International laws and agreements like the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) govern such scenarios.

2. Crash Location: The specific location of the crash would need to be determined accurately. In this case, since the crash occurred directly on the border, it is necessary to identify which side of the border the crash site falls within.

3. Bilateral Agreements: The United States and Canada have various agreements and protocols in place, including the International Boundary Commission, which handles border matters and boundary demarcation.

Given these factors, the survivors would likely be buried in the country where the crash site is located. If the crash occurred on the U.S. side of the border, the survivors would likely be buried in the United States, and if it occurred on the Canadian side, they would likely be buried in Canada.

It's important to note that in such an unfortunate event, there would be diplomatic and legal discussions between the two countries involved to ensure proper coordination and resolution for the survivors and victims.