why did the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Servies implement the National Correct Coding Initiative in 1996/


Seeking answers to HIT 115 RESEARCH PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT METHODOLOGIES. Explain why lack of universal health care coverage can raise health care costs.

Uninsured and under-insured people usually wait until they're in crisis before seeking medical help. Treatment of an acute condition is much more expensive than preventive care or treatment of less acute problems.

Insurance companies are profit-making businesses. They get a sizeable portion of the money we spend on health care.

Doctors and their assistants are bogged down by a plethora of different insurance forms and regulations.

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2.what are most importan functions of health information management?
3. what are some risk areas that can be identified through the auditing process?
4. how do POS plans and HMO plans compare?

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The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) in 1996 with the goal of promoting correct coding methodologies for Medicare and Medicaid claims. The NCCI is a set of edit pairs that identify code combinations that should not be reported together for the same patient on the same day unless there is appropriate documentation for an appropriate circumstance.

The implementation of the NCCI was driven by a few key reasons:

1. Cost Control: CMS recognized the need to control costs and prevent inappropriate payment or overutilization of healthcare services. By identifying code combinations that should not be reported together, the NCCI helps prevent duplicate billing and unnecessary services, leading to more accurate payment for services rendered.

2. Billing and Coding Accuracy: The NCCI promotes uniformity and consistency in medical billing and coding practices. It helps ensure that the correct codes are assigned to accurately represent the services provided, reducing errors and potential fraud.

3. Clinical Validation: By establishing coding edits, the NCCI addresses instances where certain services should not be reported together due to inherent clinical contradictions. It helps validate that the reported services are appropriate and medically necessary.

4. Transparency and Education: The NCCI provides guidelines, manuals, and educational resources to assist healthcare providers, coders, and billing staff in understanding and applying correct coding practices. These resources promote consistent documentation, coding accuracy, and compliance with Medicare and Medicaid guidelines.

In summary, the implementation of the National Correct Coding Initiative by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 1996 aimed to control costs, improve coding accuracy, validate services based on clinical appropriateness, and provide transparency and education to support accurate billing and coding practices.