what were some symbolic behaviors of the Neanderthals?

what are the theories about what happened to the neanderthals why did they disappear?

last question
to be civilized according to historians, what has to be present?

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i've read my book for the 1st two and couldn't find them but for the last question

i think it would be political, economic social cultural and religious reasons.

To understand the symbolic behaviors of Neanderthals, researchers primarily rely on archaeological evidence. Some of the symbolic behaviors exhibited by Neanderthals include:

1. Burial practices: Neanderthals have been found buried in a deliberate manner, suggesting a belief in an afterlife or ritualistic behavior associated with honoring the dead.
2. Personal adornment: Neanderthals have been found wearing jewelry, such as pendants made from animal teeth or shells, indicating the use of symbolic objects for aesthetics or social identity.
3. Cave art: Neanderthals have left behind cave paintings and engravings, demonstrating artistic expression and a capacity for symbolic representation.
4. Tool decoration: Some Neanderthal tools have been found with decorative incisions, implying a possible symbolic significance beyond practical function.

Now, regarding the disappearance of Neanderthals, several theories have been proposed to explain their extinction, although there is ongoing debate among scientists. Here are a few prominent hypotheses:

1. Interbreeding with Homo sapiens: It is suggested that Neanderthals interbred with Homo sapiens, and their gene pool dissolved into the modern human population.
2. Competition with Homo sapiens: Neanderthals may have faced competition for resources, including food and shelter, with the more adaptable and technologically advanced Homo sapiens, leading to their replacement.
3. Environmental factors: Changes in climate and landscapes could have negatively impacted Neanderthals' ability to survive and thrive, putting them at a disadvantage compared to Homo sapiens.

In the context of history, the concept of being "civilized" has varied over time and across different cultures. However, historians generally agree on a few attributes that are often associated with civilization. These include:

1. Permanent settlements: The establishment of stable, sedentary communities is often considered a significant characteristic of civilization.
2. Agriculture and food surplus: The development of farming techniques and the ability to produce a surplus of food allowed for population growth and the specialization of labor.
3. Social hierarchy: The presence of social classes or hierarchies, where power and authority are concentrated and structured, is often seen as a feature of civilizations.
4. Written language and record-keeping: The ability to communicate and document information through writing is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and societal organization.
5. Technological advancements: The development and use of advanced tools, infrastructure, and other technologies contribute to the progress and complexity of civilizations.

It's worth noting that these criteria may vary depending on the context and the specific theories or perspectives being examined.