I am stumped on these two questions.

Unscramble the following words tp make sentences. Be sure to use the correct form of avoir.

1. j'/ordinateur/un/avoir
2. de/n'/vous/avoir/pas/chaise

I know what the words mean but im not quite sure of the correct form of avoir would be and where the words would go.


1. j'ai un ordinateur.

2. vous n'avez pas de chaise.

forms of avoir
tu as
il/elle a
nous avons
vous avez
elles/ils ont

oh, ok

thanks Kate you have been a great help;)

Bien fait, tous les deux!

Sra (aka Mme)

To unscramble these words and form sentences using the correct form of the verb "avoir" (to have) in French, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject pronoun:
- In the first sentence, the subject pronoun is "j'" which represents "I" in English.
- In the second sentence, the subject pronoun is "vous" which represents "you" in English (plural/formal).

2. Determine the correct form of the verb "avoir" for the subject pronoun:
- "J'ai" is the correct form for "I have".
- "Vous avez" is the correct form for "you (plural/formal) have".

3. Arrange the words in the correct order to form a grammatically correct sentence:
- Sentence 1: "J'ai un ordinateur" means "I have a computer."
- Sentence 2: "Vous n'avez pas de chaise" means "You don't have a chair."

So the unscrambled sentences using the correct form of "avoir" are:
1. J'ai un ordinateur. (I have a computer.)
2. Vous n'avez pas de chaise. (You don't have a chair.)

Remember to pay attention to subject pronouns, verb conjugation, and word order to construct sentences correctly in French.