Obama said this before, “I’m you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change to Washington… I’m asking you to believe in yours.” Yes, he is an African American, so he would be the first president of a different color. That shouldn’t matter though; you should elect him for what he will do for our country. So will you help bring the change to Washington? Hopefully, you will make the right choice at the polls.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or the ability to vote in elections. However, I can provide some guidance on how to make an informed decision when choosing a candidate.

1. Research their policies and positions: Look into the candidate's policy proposals and positions on important issues. Understand their stance on topics that matter to you, such as the economy, healthcare, education, foreign policy, or climate change. This will give you an idea of what changes they plan to bring to Washington and the potential impact on the country.

2. Evaluate their experience and qualifications: Consider the candidate's past experience, qualifications, and leadership abilities. Look at their track record and determine if they have the skills and competence necessary to address the challenges facing the nation.

3. Assess their character and values: Examine the candidate's integrity, honesty, and moral compass. Consider their ability to unite and inspire people, as well as their commitment to serving the public interest over personal gain.

4. Engage in critical thinking: Analyze the candidate's statements, speeches, and actions. Look for consistency and coherence in their message. Fact-check their claims and promises to ensure they are based on accurate information.

5. Consider their ability to collaborate: Evaluate the candidate's ability to work with others, including members of their own party as well as across party lines. Look for evidence of their willingness to listen to different perspectives and find common ground.

6. Look into endorsements and evaluations: Consider the endorsements and evaluations from reputable sources. Research what respected individuals or organizations have said about the candidate, and take these opinions into account.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you as an individual voter. It's important to carefully consider the candidate's qualifications, policies, character, and ability to bring about the changes you believe are necessary for the country.