i have to do a persuasive paper on a canidate for president, im not asking for who you think should be president im asking if you think this is a good introduction. please if you can help me.

Obama said this before, “I’m you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change to Washington… I’m asking you to believe in yours.” Yes, he is an African American, so he would be the first president of a different color. That shouldn’t matter though; you should elect him for what he will do for our country. So will you help bring the change to Washington? Hopefully, you will make the right choice at the polls.

The introduction you provided for your persuasive paper on a presidential candidate seems decent, but there are a few suggestions I can offer to further improve it.

1. Start with an attention-grabbing hook: Begin your introduction with a compelling fact, statistic, or quote that captures your readers' attention and generates curiosity. This will make your introduction more engaging and encourage your audience to continue reading.

2. Provide context and background information: Before jumping into a direct quote, provide a brief explanation of who the candidate is and why their message is significant. This will help your readers understand the context of the quote and its relevance to your argument.

3. Reframe the focus: Instead of emphasis on the candidate being African American and potentially being the first president of a different color, shift the focus to the candidate's qualifications, track record, or policy proposals. By highlighting their abilities and potential impact on the country, you can appeal to a broader audience beyond race or ethnicity.

Here's a revised version of your introduction incorporating these suggestions:

"Imagine a leader who inspires not just with words, but with a belief in the power within each citizen to bring about real change. Barack Obama, a prominent figure in American politics, once stated, 'I'm asking you to believe in yours [abilities].' These words resonate deeply, as they encapsulate the essence of his transformative approach to governance. As we embark on the task of selecting our next president, it's crucial to look beyond the superficial markers of identity and focus on the substance of what each candidate can offer. This persuasive paper aims to explore the myriad ways in which Barack Obama, irrespective of his race, can shape a brighter future for our country. By calmly deliberating on his qualifications, accomplishments, and proposed policies, we can make an informed choice at the polls, one that aligns with the genuine change our nation needs."

Remember, persuasive writing involves providing convincing arguments, supporting evidence, and logical reasoning to sway your readers. By focusing on the candidate's attributes and how they can positively impact the country, your persuasive paper will be more effective in making your case.