engineering foundations 2 calculations and converstions question.

How do I round off the following number to three significant figures? Or can you give me an example of how to round off number

3. 4555N

Would I round off this to be 4555N to be 4555.00N

3. 4555N


To round off a number to three significant figures, you need to consider the digits from left to right until you reach the desired number of significant figures.

In the case of 3.4555N, the three significant figures are: 3, 4, and 6 (from left to right).

To round off the number, you should follow these rules:
1. If the next digit after the third significant figure (in this case, the 5) is less than 5, simply drop it and keep the three significant figures.
2. If the next digit after the third significant figure is 5 or greater, you need to round up the third significant figure by increasing it by 1.
3. If there are any digits after the third significant figure, you must drop them.

Applying these rules to 3.4555N:
- The next digit after the third significant figure (5) is 5 itself, which means we need to round up the third significant figure.
- So, the rounded off number to three significant figures would be 3.46N.

Note: The unit "N" remains unchanged during the rounding process.