How can weak acid nitrous acid HNO2 form a buffer solution with equal concentrations and volumes with weak base NH3?

I thought that buffer solutions only occured between weak acids and strong bases or vice versa. The example above as two weak soltuions.

Buffers are combinations of a weak acid and a weak base, not a weak acid and a strong base.

Although it is true that traditional buffer solutions are usually composed of a weak acid and its conjugate base, or a weak base and its conjugate acid, it is possible to form a buffer solution using weak acid nitrous acid (HNO2) and weak base ammonia (NH3).

In this case, the buffer solution can be formed by combining equal concentrations and volumes of nitrous acid (HNO2) and ammonia (NH3). Here is the step-by-step explanation:

1. Nitrous acid (HNO2) is a weak acid that can partially dissociate in water to form hydrogen ions (H+) and nitrite ions (NO2-):
HNO2 ⇌ H+ + NO2-

2. Ammonia (NH3) is a weak base that can react with water to form ammonium ions (NH4+) and hydroxide ions (OH-):
NH3 + H2O ⇌ NH4+ + OH-

3. When nitrous acid (HNO2) and ammonia (NH3) are mixed in equal concentrations and volumes, they can undergo the following reactions:

a. The nitrous acid (HNO2) can react with the hydroxide ions (OH-) formed by the partial dissociation of ammonia (NH3):
HNO2 + OH- ⇌ NO2- + H2O

b. The ammonia (NH3) can react with the hydrogen ions (H+) formed by the partial dissociation of nitrous acid (HNO2):
NH3 + H+ ⇌ NH4+

4. These reactions help maintain the pH of the solution relatively stable, creating a buffer effect. The nitrite ions (NO2-) and ammonium ions (NH4+) produced in the above reactions act as the conjugate base and acid, respectively, providing the buffering capacity.

It is important to note that the buffer capacity of a weak acid and weak base solution might be lower compared to a buffer solution formed by a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its conjugate acid. However, it is still possible to create a buffer with equal concentrations and volumes of weak acid nitrous acid (HNO2) and weak base ammonia (NH3) by using the principles outlined above.

You are correct that typical buffer solutions are made from a combination of a weak acid and its conjugate base (or a weak base and its conjugate acid). However, it is also possible to create a buffer solution using two weak acids or two weak bases as long as their conjugate acid-base pairs are present.

In the case of weak acid nitrous acid (HNO2) and weak base ammonia (NH3), the buffer solution is formed by the presence of their conjugate acid-base pair: nitrite ions (NO2-) and ammonium ions (NH4+).

To explain how this buffer solution is formed, let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Dissociation of the weak acid (HNO2):
HNO2 ⇌ H+ + NO2-

2. Dissociation of the weak base (NH3):
NH3 + H2O ⇌ NH4+ + OH-

3. Combination of the conjugate acid-base pairs:
H+ + NH3 ⇌ NH4+
NO2- + OH- ⇌ H2O + NO2-

Now, in this buffer solution, if we add an acid (such as HCl), the excess H+ ions will react with NH3, forming NH4+ and minimizing the change in pH. Similarly, if we add a base (such as NaOH), the excess OH- ions will react with the remaining HNO2, forming NO2- and avoiding a drastic change in pH.

Although both HNO2 and NH3 are considered weak substances individually, when they are combined in equal concentrations and volumes, they create a buffer solution because of the presence of their conjugate acid-base pairs (NO2- and NH4+).