Which of the following is true?

A. It would take three to five hours to hydrate the body after a water loss of 3 percent.

B. A critical time to replace bodily fluids is while exercising.

C. Mild food ingestion during exercise increases water absorption from the stomach during exercise.

D. Thirst is the best indicator of water requirement during competition

i am sure that A and D are wrong. B i think is not true you can replace fluids bfore after or during.
so is it C am i on the right track????

......i think its D

i am sure that d is wrong

To determine which statement is true, let's analyze each option:

A. It would take three to five hours to hydrate the body after a water loss of 3 percent.

This statement doesn't seem accurate. The time it takes to rehydrate the body after a water loss depends on various factors such as the individual's size, activity level, climate, and other physiological factors. Therefore, it is difficult to provide an exact timeframe for rehydration.

D. Thirst is the best indicator of water requirement during competition.

While thirst can be an indication that the body needs water, relying solely on thirst to determine water requirements during competition may not be sufficient. Thirst is not always a reliable indicator, especially during strenuous physical activity when the body may lose more water than it indicates through thirst. So, this statement may not be entirely accurate.

B. A critical time to replace bodily fluids is while exercising.

This statement is true. When a person exercises, they tend to lose fluids through sweat, causing dehydration. Replenishing fluids during exercise is crucial to maintain proper hydration levels and optimize performance. It is recommended to drink fluids before, during, and after exercise to replace the lost fluids and maintain hydration.

C. Mild food ingestion during exercise increases water absorption from the stomach during exercise.

This statement is also true. Consuming mild food during exercise can enhance water absorption from the stomach. The presence of food in the stomach stimulates the release of digestive enzymes and increases blood flow to the stomach, which, in turn, aids in water absorption. This is beneficial for maintaining hydration levels during exercise.

Based on the analysis, you are correct in thinking that option A and D are not true. Option B is true because replacing bodily fluids during exercise is important. Option C is also true since mild food ingestion during exercise can increase water absorption. So, you are on the right track, and C is the correct answer.