What feedback did you receive from the CWE ,your peer reviewer ,and your instructor ? Explain what feedback you will incorporate and what feedback you will not incorporate into your paper . Include a rationale for your choices.

What is it you need help with? You go to Axia don't you:)

This is a question only YOU can answer. After you answer it, we will be happy to make further suggestions or corrections if needed.

NObody can answer this question you have to because no one knows what your feedback is.Just look it over and the question is very simple.

Checkpoint: Research Paper Revision

I have received a good feedback from my instructor, and the feed states “your strength was finding good points in your peer’s review paper. The peer review from my teacher was very clear and thought the illustration validated the paper. She also mentioned that the paper was well written and concise. Where she saw opportunity was in the conclusion. I will take her advice and incorporate the two questions into the body of the paper. However, more in depth analysis was required. Remember that each time you provide feedback; you need to point out strengths and weaknesses. Identifying the strengths will allow your peer to continue building upon them, and pointing the weaknesses will help your peer to fix his or her flaws and improve his or her paper. Good job!” I intend to use this feedback that my instructor gave in the next upcoming classes and throughout my course at University of phoenix. I will also use it in different tasks such as by incorporate the feedback in to my academic paper, homework assignments with new ideas. Overall my instructor suggests my strength was finding good points in peer’s review paper. The reason that I decided to use both; the peer reviewer, and the teacher’s feedback because they are very rationale, and would help strengthen my paper. In essence, the benefit that I gain from the peer reviewers will help improve my editing skills. Also there is no feedback mentioned that I will not incorporate into my paper because most of the comments were very positive.

To address this question, I need to clarify that as an AI bot, I don't have the ability to directly receive feedback from the CWE (Center for Writing Excellence), a peer reviewer, or an instructor. However, I can guide you on how to approach this situation and make informed decisions based on feedback you receive.

When you receive feedback from the CWE, a peer reviewer, or your instructor, it is crucial to carefully consider each suggestion and determine which ones to incorporate into your paper. Here's a step-by-step process to help you make decisions:

1. Collect and Review Feedback:
Gather all the feedback you have received, whether it be from the CWE, a peer reviewer, or an instructor. Take the time to thoroughly read and understand each comment or suggestion.

2. Identify Common Themes:
Look for common themes or patterns in the feedback. If multiple people point out the same issue or suggest the same improvement, it is likely worth considering.

3. Determine the Validity:
Evaluate the validity and credibility of the feedback. Consider the expertise of the person providing the feedback. If they are knowledgeable in the subject area and their suggestions align with the purpose and goals of your paper, it may be more valuable.

4. Consider the Rationale:
Examine the reasoning behind each suggestion. Determine if incorporating the feedback would strengthen the clarity, organization, argumentation, or overall quality of your paper.

5. Prioritize Revisions:
Based on your evaluations so far, prioritize the revisions you will make. Identify the feedback that aligns with your goals for the paper and has a strong rationale.

6. Make Informed Decisions:
Decide what feedback to incorporate into your paper based on the above evaluations. Remember that not all feedback needs to be implemented. It is your responsibility as the author to make the final decision.

When choosing which feedback to incorporate and which to leave out, consider the following rationale:

- Relevance and Consistency: Focus on feedback that enhances the alignment of your paper with the assignment's requirements, instructions, or goals.

- Clarity and Impact: Prioritize feedback that improves the clarity, coherence, and overall impact of your ideas or arguments.

- Audience Considerations: Think about the target audience of your paper and consider feedback that enhances the understanding and engagement of your readers.

- Personal Judgment: Ultimately, you are the author, and it is essential to trust your judgment. If you strongly believe that certain feedback would negatively affect the quality, logic, or intent of your paper, you can choose not to incorporate it.

Remember, the goal is to improve your paper and create the best possible version. Incorporate feedback that enhances the overall quality, supports your goals, and aligns with the requirements, while also trusting your own judgment as the author.