2xsquared y (3xysquared-2y)-3xysquared(2xsquared y -5x)

how do you do this

I interpreted your statement as

(2x^2)(y)(3xy^2 - 2y) - 3xy^2((2x^2)(y) - 5x)
=6x^3y^3 - 4x^2y^2 - 6x^3y^3 + 15x^2y^2
= 11x^2y^2

Multiply: (6x^2y^4)(- 5x63y)SHOW ALL WORK

To simplify the given expression, we can apply the distributive property and combine like terms. Here's how you can solve it step by step:

1. Start by simplifying within the parentheses. Consider the terms inside the first set of parentheses: 2xsquared y and (3xysquared-2y). We can simplify this by multiplying each term inside the parentheses by 2xsquared y:

2xsquared y * 3xysquared = 6x^3y^3

2xsquared y * -2y = -4x^2y^2

2. Next, let's simplify the terms inside the second set of parentheses: 3xysquared and (2xsquared y - 5x). Multiply each term inside the parentheses by -3xysquared:

-3xysquared * 2xsquared y = -6x^3y^3

-3xysquared * -5x = 15x^2y^3

3. Now, we have simplified both sets of parentheses, so let's combine the like terms. Also, remember that multiplying numbers with the same base adds their exponents:

6x^3y^3 - 4x^2y^2 - 6x^3y^3 + 15x^2y^3

-6x^3y^3 + 6x^3y^3 - 4x^2y^2 + 15x^2y^3

(6x^3y^3 - 6x^3y^3) + (-4x^2y^2 + 15x^2y^3)

0 + 11x^2y^3


So, the simplified expression is 11x^2y^3.