Number sense:

Write the number that has 652 in the ones period and 739 in the thousands period.

the hundreds, tens and ones are in the "ones period".

The thousands, ten thousands, and hunderd thousands are in the "thousands period".
So 652 in the ones period would be 652 and 739 in the thousands period would be 739,000.

Can you amplify on this? I am not certain what you mean by period here.

.652 and 739,000

hi my name is faduma i have trouble in math can you help me heres the answer

write the number that has 652 in the ones
period and 739 in the thousands period.
whats the answer hurry

9 in the thousands and 2 in the ones


The 2 in 652 is in the ones period and the 9 in 739 is in the thousands period.