what is an example of political, and economic features?

Features of what? Please make the question specific enough for us to have some idea of what you need.

europe and africa are east of north and south america.true or false

Political and economic features can vary based on the context you are referring to, but here are a few examples:

Political Features:
1. Democracy: This is a political feature where the power resides with the people and decisions are made through voting or elected representatives. In a democratic system, citizens have the right to participate in decision-making processes.

2. Authoritarianism: This is a political feature where power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group. In an authoritarian system, political freedoms and rights may be limited, and decisions are made without much public input.

Economic Features:
1. Market Economy: In a market economy, economic decisions are primarily driven by the interactions of supply and demand. The allocation of resources, production, and pricing are determined by market forces rather than government intervention.

2. Command Economy: In a command economy, economic decisions are controlled and directed by a central authority, typically the government. The state has a significant role in determining what is produced, how it is produced, and the pricing of goods and services.

To find more examples of political and economic features, you can consider studying different countries, regions, or historical periods. Reading textbooks, academic articles, or conducting online research can provide specific examples relevant to your area of interest.