What could I use as a memory clue (or picture) for the following words?

Def. Demand, or urgently ask for something for military needs.

Def. To make a remark that belittles someone else

Personally, I would use the picture of a shouting army sergeant for demand, and a picture of a woman whispering to another for degrogatory. Men, especially military men, demand, while women are more likely to aggress by indirect methods, like making derogatory remarks.

I don't know if this will help, but I hope it does. Thanks for asking.

I like the shouting army sergeant for demand, but do you have another derogatory memory clue? i don't get the woman one....

Rather than confronting with aggression as most males do, women are more likely to aggress indirectly by spreading nasty rumors about their enemies with derogatory remarks. Since you are male, I can understand why this example doesn't appeal to you.

At this point, I can't think of another example. Maybe one of the other tutors can help.

I disagree with PsyDAG's premise about women making derogatory remarks.

A more typical scene might be a white man shouting the "n" word at a black man.

Or kids calling other kid "fat" or "stupid"

Thank you all so much for your help!

Reading DAG's remarks reminds me of several recent Presidents (starting with Nixon) who seem to be able to leak derogatory or damaging things about their critics, the most recent case involving Ms Plume. As I recall, none of the Presidents or aides involved were female. Maybe they were wannabe's, after all, and FBI director wore womens undergarments. He leaked a lot of derogatory information during the 50's also.

Hey! They're all politicians. They just can't help themselves, IMHO!!

To create memory clues or pictures for words, it can be helpful to associate them with visual images or create mental connections. Here are some suggestions for mnemonic devices for the words you provided:

1. Requisitioned:
- Imagine a soldier holding up a sign that says "NEED URGENTLY" and demanding supplies from a store.
- Picture a person urgently and insistently knocking on a door, representing the act of asking for something in a demanding manner.

2. Derogatory:
- Visualize a person making a derogatory remark with a speech bubble that contains insulting words. This can help you remember the meaning of the word.
- Associate the word with a negative symbol, such as a red "X," which can serve as a reminder that derogatory comments bring people down.

Remember, the effectiveness of memory clues or pictures can vary depending on your personal associations and imagination. It can be helpful to incorporate elements that stand out to you or make the mental image memorable.