convert 5.98 x 10 to the 24th kg. to mg.

Here are the conversion factors I think you should use:


how do you do the conversion?

Multiply those conversion factors times the original amount. The units should divide out and leave mg.

To convert 5.98 x 10^24 kg to mg (milligrams), you need to multiply it by a conversion factor.

1 kg is equal to 1,000,000 mg. This means that to convert from kg to mg, you need to multiply by 1,000,000.

So, to convert 5.98 x 10^24 kg to mg, you can perform the following calculations:

5.98 x 10^24 kg * 1,000,000 mg/kg

To multiply these numbers, you multiply the non-exponential parts and add the exponents:

5.98 * 1,000,000 = 5,980,000

To combine the exponents, you add them:

10^24 * 10^6 = 10^(24+6) = 10^30

Putting it all together, the answer is:

5.98 x 10^24 kg = 5,980,000 x 10^30 mg

Please note that the exponent for the milligrams will be 30, not 24, since we multiplied by 1,000,000.