mexico is the seconed highest indebted developing country. this is in my text book ,the question is ,mexico is the highest indebted developing country? true or false , false right

According to your text book, you are correct.

5 facts about the U.S geography

To determine whether the statement "Mexico is the highest indebted developing country" is true or false, we need to gather information about the debt levels of various developing countries.

The easiest way to find information about a country's debt is by referring to reliable sources like financial institutions, government agencies, or international organizations that specialize in collecting and analyzing economic data. In this case, we can obtain the necessary data from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), or similar reputable sources.

1. Go to the website of a reliable financial institution or international organization such as the World Bank or IMF.
2. Look for the section that provides economic data or indicators.
3. Navigate to the section that covers national debt or external debt.
4. Find the data related to developing countries and their respective debt levels.
5. Locate the information about Mexico's debt and compare it to other developing countries.

By following these steps, you should be able to find accurate data concerning Mexico's debt and determine whether the statement in your textbook is true or false. However, keep in mind that debt levels can change over time, so it's important to consult the most up-to-date and reliable sources.