Please check.

Answer: -2m^2n+5mn^2-11mn-7

Answer: 2x^4-5x^3-5x^2+10x-5

Answer: a^2-9a+8

Answer: z^2+12z+36

Answer: 25x^2+20xy+4y^2
Is that order okay? Does it matter?

Answer: 4x^2-49


Yes, the order of terms in the final expression does not matter. So, whether you write it as -2m^2n+5mn^2-11mn-7 or -11mn-2m^2n+5mn^2-7, both are correct.

In the second expression, your answer is correct: 2x^4-5x^3-5x^2+10x-5.

For the third expression, your answer is also correct: a^2-9a+8.

In the fourth expression, your answer is correct: z^2+12z+36.

For the fifth expression, your answer is correct: 25x^2+20xy+4y^2. And no, the order doesn't matter in this case either.

In the last expression, your answer is correct: 4x^2-49.

Yes, the answer you provided for each arithmetic expression is correct. The order in which you multiplied the terms does not matter as long as you apply the distributive property correctly. In all of these examples, you expanded the given expressions using the distributive property and then simplified the resulting terms by combining like terms. Well done!

I've already answered your post on Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 9:54pm.