What are some attraction stage people look for?

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When it comes to attraction, people often look for a variety of things in a potential partner or romantic interest. While preferences can vary from person to person, here are some common attraction stages that people tend to consider:

1. Physical attractiveness: Many people are initially attracted to someone's physical appearance. This includes factors such as physical features, body type, grooming, style, and other superficial aspects.

2. Personality traits: Beyond physical appearance, individuals often seek certain personality traits in an attractive partner. This can include qualities like kindness, humor, intelligence, confidence, empathy, and similar values.

3. Shared interests and hobbies: Finding someone who shares common interests and hobbies often helps build attraction. When two people enjoy similar activities or have compatible passions, it can create a deeper connection and increase attraction levels.

4. Emotional and intellectual compatibility: Emotional and intellectual compatibility refer to the ability to connect and communicate on an emotional and intellectual level. Feeling understood, supported, and stimulated intellectually can contribute significantly to attraction.

5. Compatibility in values and goals: When individuals have similar values, beliefs, and life goals, they are more likely to be attracted to each other. Shared values and goals create a sense of alignment and increase the potential for a meaningful and lasting connection.

It's important to remember that attraction is subjective, and different individuals prioritize these attraction stages differently. Furthermore, attraction can develop and change over time as individuals get to know each other better.