In the below table, which country has the least equal distribution of income? The most equal distribution?

Percent of Income
Quintile A B C
20 8.5 10.2 2.3
40 10.1 15.2 6.1
60 12.5 18.3 12.3
80 15.1 23.1 18.1
100 53.8 33.2 61.2

see my earlier post

To determine which country has the least equal distribution of income and which one has the most equal distribution, we need to look at the data provided in the table.

The table shows the percentage of income received by each quintile (group of 20% of the population) in three different countries: A, B, and C.

To find the country with the least equal distribution of income, we need to identify the quintile with the highest percentage for each country. Looking at the data:

For Country A:
- In Quintile A, the percentage of income is 8.5%
- In Quintile B, the percentage of income is 10.1%
- In Quintile C, the percentage of income is 53.8%

Therefore, Country A has the highest percentage of income in Quintile C, indicating a higher concentration of income in the upper quintile. This suggests a less equal distribution of income in Country A.

Similarly, we can determine the country with the most equal distribution of income by identifying the quintile with the lowest percentage for each country. Looking at the data:

For Country B:
- In Quintile A, the percentage of income is 10.2%
- In Quintile B, the percentage of income is 15.2%
- In Quintile C, the percentage of income is 33.2%

Therefore, Country B has the lowest percentage of income in Quintile C, indicating a lower concentration of income in the upper quintile. This suggests a more equal distribution of income in Country B.

In summary:
- Country A has the least equal distribution of income.
- Country B has the most equal distribution of income.