i had an essay prompt, write about what Machiavelli would think if he encountered mencius' novel, mencius. I was looking for ideas to get started.

Ways I thought he would disagree with Mencius is the importance of profit (Mencius- for the people, Machiavelli- for the prince himself), submitting to a smaller state, sharing enjoyment with the people, being involved and concerned in your people's lives (ie donating money if necessary), view on punishment, etc.)

I couldn't think of ways they agree though.


Perhaps there aren't any points of comparison -- perhaps only contrast.



To explore possible areas of agreement between Machiavelli and Mencius, you can consider their respective viewpoints on leadership and governance. Here's how you can approach finding areas of agreement:

1. Study Machiavelli's perspective: Familiarize yourself with Machiavelli's major works, such as "The Prince" and "Discourses on Livy." Understand his beliefs about leadership, power, and governance. Pay attention to his ideas on how rulers should maintain stability and control in their territories.

2. Analyze Mencius' novel: Read Mencius' novel with Machiavelli's teachings in mind. Identify themes or ideas in Mencius' work that may align with Machiavelli's views on effective governance.

3. Similarities in practical politics: Consider points where both Machiavelli and Mencius emphasize practical political strategies. For example, both of them may acknowledge the importance of maintaining loyalty among followers, establishing a stable administration, and promoting social harmony.

4. Human nature: Reflect on their understanding of human nature. Machiavelli has a somewhat pessimistic view, believing that people are naturally self-interested and driven by personal gain. Mencius, on the other hand, believes in the innate goodness of human beings. Yet, both philosophers recognize the need for leaders to understand and accommodate human nature to achieve their goals.

5. Centralization of power: Determine if Machiavelli and Mencius share any ideas about the concentration of power. Both thinkers recognize the necessity for a strong central authority. Although they may have different motivations behind it, they may converge on the idea that centralized power helps establish stability and effective governance.

6. Use of force: Consider their perspectives on the use of force. While Machiavelli might advocate for the strategic use of force, Mencius could argue for more ethical and humane methods. However, they both recognize the role of force in maintaining order and security in certain situations.

7. Historical context: Reflect on the historical and social contexts in which both philosophers lived. Recognize that their ideas were shaped by the political realities of their time. This may help you uncover points of convergence in their principles of leadership and governance.

Remember, the goal is not to force agreement where it does not exist but to explore any possible areas where Machiavelli and Mencius's viewpoints may overlap or provide different perspectives on similar themes.