Describe how three adults, each brought up ubder a different parenting style as a child, might cope differently?

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What parenting styles are you talking about? Possibly this article might be helpful:

This might give you a start. Thanks for asking.

Thanks! I was asking for some ideas.......didn't want you to do it for me. It is not that serious.

Three adults who were raised under different parenting styles may cope differently due to the influence of their upbringing on their behavior, emotions, and decision-making processes. Let's explore three common parenting styles and the potential impact on these individuals:

1. Authoritarian Parenting Style:
An adult who was brought up under an authoritarian parenting style may display a strong need for control, structure, and obedience. They are accustomed to strict rules and punishments. As a result, they may struggle with creativity, decision-making, and assertiveness. They might cope by seeking structure and routine in their daily life, relying on authority figures for guidance, and adhering to established rules and protocols.

2. Permissive Parenting Style:
An adult raised under a permissive parenting style may have grown up with minimal rules or boundaries. They might struggle with self-discipline, having difficulty setting goals, and making decisions. They might cope by leaning on others for direction, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, and being more vulnerable to impulsive behaviors.

3. Authoritative Parenting Style:
An adult raised under an authoritative parenting style is often characterized by a healthy balance between firmness and warmth. They are encouraged to express their opinions and be independent thinkers while respecting rules and guidelines. As a result, they tend to be self-motivated, confident, and adaptable. They cope by utilizing problem-solving skills, seeking self-improvement opportunities, and taking responsibility for their actions.

It's important to note that the impact of parenting styles on individuals can vary, and these are generalized tendencies. Many other factors, such as personal temperament, life experiences, and individual growth, also influence how individuals cope with different situations.