I do know what information is found in each of these groupings on a classified balance sheet: current assets, long-term investments, property, plant,equipment and intangible assets. I need to know if anyone can tell me how that data could indicate the future success or, failure of a business.

That information alone cannot tell anything about financial success of a company, past or present.

In order to understand how the information on a classified balance sheet can indicate the future success or failure of a business, we need to analyze each of the groupings you mentioned: current assets, long-term investments, property, plant, equipment, and intangible assets.

1. Current Assets: Current assets represent assets that are expected to be converted into cash or used up within one year. These include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and short-term investments. By analyzing the current assets, we can assess the liquidity and short-term financial health of a business. A high level of cash and accounts receivable may indicate that the business has a strong inflow of cash and strong sales, which can be positive signs for future success. Conversely, a high level of inventory may suggest slow sales or ineffective inventory management, which can lead to future failure.

2. Long-Term Investments: Long-term investments represent assets held by a company for an extended period, such as stocks, bonds, or other companies' equity. These investments can indicate the business's growth prospects and diversification strategy. Successful long-term investments can generate consistent income and contribute to future success. However, if these investments are not performing well, it may indicate poor decision-making or an unfavorable market, which can be a sign of potential failure.

3. Property, Plant, and Equipment: This category includes physical assets like land, buildings, machinery, and vehicles. Analyzing these assets can provide insights into a company's operational efficiency and potential for future success. Well-maintained and up-to-date assets suggest that the business is investing in its infrastructure, which can improve productivity and competitiveness. Conversely, outdated or poorly maintained assets can hamper operations and indicate potential failure if not addressed.

4. Intangible Assets: Intangible assets represent non-physical assets like patents, trademarks, copyrights, and goodwill. These assets are often critical in determining a company's competitive advantage and market position. Strong intangible assets can indicate a business's ability to differentiate itself, maintain customer loyalty, and secure future revenue streams. On the other hand, if intangible assets are diminishing or losing value, it may suggest increased competition, technology disruption, or other factors that could lead to failure.

To assess the future success or failure of a business based on the information found in these groupings, one must also consider other financial statements, industry trends, and qualitative factors. It's important to conduct a comprehensive analysis and consider the interrelationships between different categories and financial metrics to form a holistic view.