When the net price method of recording purchases is used, the debit to purchases is for:

When the net price method of recording purchases is used, the debit to purchases is for the net cost of the inventory purchased. The net cost refers to the actual price paid for the inventory after any applicable cash discounts or purchase returns and allowances are deducted.

To calculate the net cost, you would start with the gross cost of the inventory purchased, which is the original price stated on the invoice. Then, any cash discounts offered by the supplier would be deducted, which are usually expressed as a percentage of the gross cost. Next, if there are any purchase returns (items returned to the supplier) or purchase allowances (price reductions granted by the supplier), these would also be subtracted.

The resulting amount, which represents the net cost of the inventory purchased, is then recorded as a debit to the purchases account. This allows businesses to accurately track the cost of their inventory, which is important for determining the cost of goods sold (COGS) and calculating accurate financial statements.