The word "before" ,is what part of speech in the following sentence?

I plan to start writing before seven
o'clock each morning.
A. Adjective C. Preposition
C. Adverb D. Interjection
Answer : C
Am I correct

I don't think so.

I beg to differ... one of the definitions for "before" being used as a preposition is "previous in time" . "Before seven" would meet that criteria...... I think

Aha! I see it again -- there are two C's here!!

So, Jiya -- which is it? And adverb or a preposition??

My mistake.Iwas leaning towards the first C .Preposition

Preposition is correct, as GuruBlue said, yes.

Yes, you are correct. The word "before" is a preposition in the given sentence. It is used to indicate the time at which an action will occur (before seven o'clock each morning).