

As my answer I got:

Is this response correct?
If not, please let me know what I did wrong.

Yes, that is correct.

Thank you for using parentheses to clarify the order of operations. Most students who post here just don't understand the importance of using them.

No, Problem!

Thank you so much for the answer!

How did that 4 get up top though?

To simplify the expression (n/4)/(n/m), you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the division of the numerators: n/4 remains the same.

Step 2: Simplify the division of the denominators: n/m is equivalent to n * (1/m), or n/m.

Step 3: Divide by a fraction by multiplying by its reciprocal: Divide (n/4) by (n/m) by multiplying (n/4) by (m/n).

(n/4) * (m/n)
= (nm)/(4n)
= m/4

So, the simplified expression is m/4.

Therefore, your response of 4m is not correct. The correct answer is m/4.