Use the distributive property to rewrite this expression.


Is the answear 4y+8?

No, you distributed the 4 to the y only. You also need to distribute the 4 to the 8. This would then make the answer 4y+32

Can the distributive property be used to rewrite 5x(8-4)

Yes, you are correct! The answer is indeed 4y + 32.

To get this answer, you need to apply the distributive property, which states that when you multiply a number by a sum or difference in parentheses, you need to distribute the multiplication to each term inside the parentheses.

In this case, you have 4 multiplied by the sum (y + 8).

To apply the distributive property, you multiply 4 with each term inside the parentheses:

4 * y = 4y
4 * 8 = 32

So the expression 4(y + 8) can be rewritten as 4y + 32.

i need 2 refresh my memory bout 6th grade
