In which of the following sentences is the semicolon used correctly?

A. There were five items on the kitchen
counter; a coffeemaker, a bag of beans,
agrinder, a sugar bowl, and a cracked cup.
B. At first Icouldn't make out what kind of bird it was,but as I swooped low, I recognized it by its markings; a
peregrine falcon.
C. I still need to take History 101; Math 410; and Biology 243.
D. In the nineties,everyone was listening to grunge; today, everyone seems to tune in hip-hop.


No, it is D.

A is referring to a list. So it would have to be

There were five items on the kitchen counter: a coffeemaker, a bag of beans, a grinder, a sugar bowl, and a cracked cup.

D is basically combining two sentences. So that is when the semicolon is used correctly.

Good Luck :]

Yes, the correct answer is A. In this sentence, the semicolon is used correctly to separate a list of items within a longer sentence. The semicolon is used to indicate a stronger separation than a comma, but not as strong as a full stop (period).