The Egyptains believed that the pharaoh was the son of _______

A. Isis
B. Osiris
C. Bel
D. Re

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Well I think it is either Bel or Re because Isis and Orisis were husband and wife and that means if it was their son I would have to pick both of them which I can't do.

I personally think it's actually D. Re.

I absolutely love learning about Ancient Eygpt but I don't think I have ever heard these terms..... But your correct about Isis & Osisris. OF course... Hehe.

To determine which option the Egyptians believed was the correct answer, we can look into ancient Egyptian mythology and their religious beliefs. In this case, we want to find out who the Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the son of.

Option A: Isis - Isis was an ancient Egyptian goddess and the wife/sister of Osiris. While Isis had a significant role in Egyptian mythology and was known as the mother of Horus (one of the most important Egyptian deities), there is no direct belief that the pharaoh was considered her son.

Option B: Osiris - Osiris was one of the primary gods in the ancient Egyptian belief system. He was the god of the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility. Osiris was also believed to be the father of Horus and a central figure in Egyptian mythology. It is well-documented that ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the son of Osiris.

Option C: Bel - Bel is not a deity commonly associated with ancient Egyptian mythology. Therefore, it is unlikely that the ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the son of Bel.

Option D: Re - Re (also known as Ra) was the powerful sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology. While Re played a prominent role in Egyptian beliefs and was considered the creator deity, there is no direct association or belief that the pharaoh was considered his son.

Based on the information, the correct answer is Option B: Osiris. The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the son of Osiris.