Who was the Isralite king known for his wise sayings, or proverbss?

A. Sargon

It wasn't Sargon. He wasn't an Israelite.

I think it is Solomen but I'm not sure.

You're right! Solomon (note spelling) was the the Israelite king noted for his wisdom. The wisdom of Solomon is a common expression even today.

One of the stories about him concerned two mothers who wanted the same baby. Solomon offered to cut the baby in half. Of course the real mother protested -- and so was awarded the child.


Your a brilliant person Ms. Sue. For that myth is completley true.

The other woman who was fighting for the baby said nothing, I do believe.

To find out who the Israelite king known for his wise sayings or proverbs is, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "Israelite kings" or "Kings of Israel" in a search engine like Google.

2. Look for a list or information about the Israelite kings and their notable characteristics.

3. One of the Israelite kings known for his wise sayings and proverbs is King Solomon. He is famous for his wisdom, attributed to various books of the Hebrew Bible, including the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.

So, the Israelite king known for his wise sayings and proverbs is King Solomon.