What instructional philosophies could be incorporate into a classroom

environment? Identify which view embodies philosophy of education


Good Lord, such a question. Books and books have been written on it.

There are various instructional philosophies that can be incorporated into a classroom environment to shape the teaching and learning process. Some commonly acknowledged philosophies of education include:

1. Perennialism: Perennialism emphasizes the timeless and universal aspects of knowledge. This philosophy advocates for a curriculum focused on the great works of literature, history, philosophy, and science. Teachers following this approach prioritize the transmission of enduring knowledge and ideas.

2. Essentialism: Essentialism emphasizes a back-to-basics approach by focusing on teaching core knowledge and skills that students need for practical purposes. This philosophy promotes a structured curriculum with a focus on foundational subjects like reading, writing, mathematics, and science.

3. Progressivism: Progressivism promotes an experiential and student-centered approach to learning. This philosophy encourages hands-on activities, critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world applications. Teachers following this approach create opportunities for active learning, collaboration, and student engagement.

4. Constructivism: Constructivism views learning as an active process of constructing knowledge and understanding. This philosophy emphasizes student autonomy, discovery-based learning, and problem-solving. Teachers following this approach facilitate learning experiences that allow students to construct their own understanding through dialogue, experimentation, and reflection.

5. Social Reconstructionism: Social reconstructionism focuses on the role of education in creating a more just and equitable society. This philosophy encourages students to critically analyze and question social issues, promoting social change, and taking action. Teachers following this approach engage students in exploring diverse perspectives and encourage active citizenship.

It is important to note that classroom environments often embody a combination of these philosophies, rather than strictly adhering to one view. Educators typically integrate various elements from different philosophies based on their teaching style, the students' needs, and the learning objectives.