The wicked witch and the big bad wolf are examples of


Symbolic evil to be conquered by "good", Dorothy and the Three Little Pigs. <G>

characters from folklore and fairy tales.

To find examples of characters from folklore and fairy tales, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify famous folklore and fairy tales: Think about well-known stories you've heard or read in books, watched in movies, or heard from others. Examples include Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, and Hansel and Gretel.

2. Research folklore and fairy tales: Use search engines or visit libraries or bookstores to find collections of folklore and fairy tales. Look for reputable sources like books written by authors who specialize in folklore, or well-known collections like the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.

3. Explore characters in folklore and fairy tales: Once you have access to folklore and fairy tales, read through the stories and identify different characters. Take note of their names and the roles they play in the stories.

4. Identify examples: Look for characters like witches, wolves, giants, fairies, and other mythical beings that appear in several folklore and fairy tales. The wicked witch and the big bad wolf are two commonly known examples.

Remember, folklore and fairy tales can vary across cultures, so be open to exploring stories from different regions and countries.