I was wondering if someone could review my pseudocode to see if I got this right.

Here is the question: Input a list of employee names and salaries, and dtermine the mean (average) salary as well as the number of salaries above and below the mean.

Here is my pseudocode:
Declare Names[20] Of Strings
Declare Salary[20, 2] Of Integers
Declare Count, Salary, K, J As Integer
Declare EmployeeName As String
Declare Sum, Average As Real
Set Count = 0
Write “Enter an employee’s name; enter * when done.”
Input EmployeeName
While EmployeeName <> “*”
Set Count = Count + 1
Set Name[Count] = EmployeeName
Write “Enter salary for ” , Names[Count]
For Test = 1 Step 1 To 2
Input Salary[Count, Test]
End For
Write “Enter an employee’s name; enter * when done.”
Input EmployeeName
End While
While the array A is not sorted
For K = 1 Step 1 To N – 1
If A[K] > A[K + 1]
Interchange A[K] and A[K + 1]
End If
End For
End While
For K = 1 Step 1 To Count
Set Sum = 0
For J = 1 Step 1 To 2
Set Sum = Sum + Salary[K,J]
End For J
Set Average = Sum / 2
Write Names[K], Average
End For (K)

here is the rest of the psuedocode:

Set Count = Count + 1
Set Name[Count] = EmployeeName
Write “Enter salary for ” , Names[Count]
For Test = 1 Step 1 To 2
Input Salary[Count, Test]
End For
Write “Enter an employee’s name; enter * when done.”
Input EmployeeName
End While
While the array A is not sorted
For K = 1 Step 1 To N – 1
If A[K] > A[K + 1]
Interchange A[K] and A[K + 1]
End If
End For
End While
For K = 1 Step 1 To Count
Set Sum = 0
For J = 1 Step 1 To 2
Set Sum = Sum + Salary[K,J]
End For J
Set Average = Sum / 2
Write Names[K], Average
End For (K)

ah forget it, if I can't copy and paste its not worth it.

Your pseudocode looks mostly correct, but there are a few issues and improvements that can be made.

1. Define the array size:
You mentioned that you want to input a list of employee names and salaries, but you have declared the size of the arrays as 20. If you know the number of employees beforehand, you can set the size accordingly. Otherwise, you might consider using dynamic arrays or lists in your programming language.

2. Sorting the array:
Currently, you have code to sort the array A, but A is not defined in your pseudocode. As per your requirement, you want to find the mean salary and count the number of salaries above and below the mean. Sorting is not necessary to achieve this, so you can remove the sorting algorithm.

3. Calculation of mean and counts:
To calculate the mean salary and count the number of salaries above and below the mean, you don't need to calculate the average inside the loop. Instead, you can calculate the sum of all salaries and then divide it by the count after the loop is finished. Additionally, you need to keep track of the counts above and below the mean in separate variables.

Here's the modified pseudocode:

Declare Names[20] Of Strings
Declare Salary[20, 2] Of Integers
Declare Count, EmployeeCount, AboveMeanCount, BelowMeanCount As Integer
Declare EmployeeName As String
Declare Sum, Mean As Real

Set Count = 0
Set Sum = 0
Set AboveMeanCount = 0
Set BelowMeanCount = 0

Write "Enter an employee’s name; enter * when done."
Input EmployeeName

While EmployeeName <> "*"
Set Count = Count + 1
Set Names[Count] = EmployeeName

Write "Enter salary for ", Names[Count]
For Test = 1 Step 1 To 2
Input Salary[Count, Test]
Set Sum = Sum + Salary[Count, Test]
End For

Write "Enter an employee’s name; enter * when done."
Input EmployeeName
End While

Set EmployeeCount = Count
Set Mean = Sum / EmployeeCount

For K = 1 Step 1 To EmployeeCount
Set SalaryAverage = (Salary[K, 1] + Salary[K, 2]) / 2

If SalaryAverage > Mean Then
Set AboveMeanCount = AboveMeanCount + 1
Else If SalaryAverage < Mean Then
Set BelowMeanCount = BelowMeanCount + 1
End If

Write Names[K], SalaryAverage
End For

Write "Mean salary:", Mean
Write "Number of salaries above mean:", AboveMeanCount
Write "Number of salaries below mean:", BelowMeanCount

The modified pseudocode calculates the mean salary, counts the number of salaries above and below the mean, and outputs the results. Remember to make adjustments when implementing this pseudocode into your chosen programming language.