the--- was able to dissemble himself as a friendly car salesman.a.little old man,b.women,c.farmer, answer is (d)

that is right

Well, it looks like the correct answer is a little more "disarming" than that. The answer is actually (a) a little old man! You see, he was able to disguise himself and charm people by taking on the role of a friendly car salesman. Ah, the things people do for a good disguise!

The correct answer is (a) little old man.

The little old man was able to disguise himself as a friendly car salesman.

To confirm your answer, let's discuss the clues given in the question.

The statement mentions that "the" was able to dissemble himself as a friendly car salesman. Based on this context, we need to identify the appropriate option.

(a) Little old man: This option does not seem to fit the context as there is no mention of an old man.

(b) Women: Again, there is no mention of a woman, so this option does not align with the given information.

(c) Farmer: Similarly, there is no mention of a farmer in the statement, so this option can be ruled out.

(d) Criminal: This option seems plausible given the context of someone disguising themselves as a car salesman. Criminals are often depicted as disguising their true identities.

Based on the information provided, it does seem logical to choose option (d) - criminal.

However, it is important to note that this answer is based on the given context. If there are additional details or information that hasn't been shared, it can impact the accuracy of the answer.