A car rents for $30 per day plus 18Cent per mile. you are on a daily budget of $75. what mileage will allow you to stay within your budget?

$75/day - 1 days rental of $30 = $45.00 left for mileage.

X miles driven*0.18/mile = 45.00
Solve for X.

To figure out the mileage that will allow you to stay within your budget, you need to determine the maximum number of miles you can drive while still staying under or equal to your budget of $75.

Let's break down the costs involved:

- The daily rental fee is $30.
- You will also be charged an additional 18 cents per mile.

To find the maximum number of miles, we'll calculate the remaining budget after deducting the daily rental fee and divide it by the cost per mile. Then, we can set up an equation:

Remaining Budget = Budget - Daily Rental Fee

Let's calculate the remaining budget:

Remaining Budget = $75 - $30 = $45

Now, we divide the remaining budget by the cost per mile to find the maximum number of miles:

Maximum Miles = Remaining Budget / Cost per Mile

Maximum Miles = $45 / $0.18

Maximum Miles = 250 miles (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, in order to stay within your budget of $75, you can drive up to a maximum of 250 miles.