How do you identify and analyze and author's writing/literary style?

To identify and analyze an author's writing/literary style, you can follow these steps:

1. Read extensively: Start by immersing yourself in the author's works and read as much of their writing as possible. Read a variety of their works across different genres, such as novels, short stories, or poems. By familiarizing yourself with their body of work, you will begin to notice patterns and recurring elements specific to the author's style.

2. Note thematic elements: Pay attention to the themes and subjects commonly explored by the author. Consider the underlying messages, ideas, and motifs that appear throughout their writing. Identify whether the author tends to focus on specific topics or genres, or if they tackle a range of themes.

3. Observe diction and word usage: Pay close attention to the author's choice of words, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Note whether they prefer straightforward or complex language, whether they use technical jargon or literary devices, and whether they employ formal or informal tone. These choices often contribute to an author's unique writing style.

4. Analyze sentence structure: Examine how the author constructs sentences. Notice if they prefer short, concise sentences or if they use long, descriptive sentences. Observe the rhythm and syntax of their writing. Consider whether they use fragments or run-on sentences intentionally for effect.

5. Study narrative techniques: Analyze the author's narrative techniques, such as point of view, characterization, and pacing. Observe if they use first or third person perspective, if they create deeply introspective characters or rely more on action-driven plots, and if they build suspense through fast-paced scenes or slower atmospheric descriptions.

6. Identify literary devices: Look for the author's use of literary devices such as similes, metaphors, alliteration, or personification. These figures of speech contribute to the author's unique style and can provide insight into their creative choices and aesthetic preferences.

7. Consider structural elements: Pay attention to the author's use of chapters, sections, or divisions within a work. Analyze how they organize their writing and if they employ non-linear or unconventional narrative structures. These structural choices can significantly affect the overall reading experience and style.

8. Compare to other authors: Compare and contrast the author's writing style to other writers within the same genre or time period. By noting similarities and differences, you can better understand what sets the author apart and what defines their particular style.

Remember, understanding an author's writing style takes time and careful observation. Analyzing their work in a systematic manner will help you identify the nuances and peculiarities that constitute their unique literary aesthetic.