How do i find the prime factorization of 225?

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To find the prime factorization of 225, you need to identify the prime numbers that multiply together to give the number 225. Here's how you can do it:

1. Begin by dividing 225 by the smallest prime number, which is 2. However, 225 is not divisible by 2, so move on to the next prime number.

2. Now, divide 225 by the next prime number, which is 3. 225 divided by 3 equals 75.

3. Next, divide 75 by 3 again. You'll get 25.

4. Divide 25 by 5. This gives you 5.

At this point, we have found all the prime factors. The prime factors of 225 are 3, 3, 5, and 5.

To express the prime factorization of 225 in exponential notation, you can write it as:

225 = 3^2 x 5^2