
0.3x + 8 < 1.1x-9

The solution is x > 85/7

The problem with the greater than sign has a line under it but I can get it to work correctly from my word document

-0.8x < -17

8x > 170
4x > 85

Are you sure about that one?

To solve the inequality 0.3x + 8 < 1.1x - 9, we need to first isolate the variable x. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by moving all the terms involving x to the left side of the inequality and the constant terms to the right side.
By subtracting 0.3x from both sides, we get:
8 - 9 < 1.1x - 0.3x

Simplifying the right side, we have:
-1 < 0.8x

2. Next, divide both sides of the inequality by 0.8 to solve for x:
-1 / 0.8 < x

Simplifying the left side, we have:
-1.25 < x

3. So, the solution to the inequality is x is greater than -1.25.

However, you mentioned that the solution is x > 85/7. Let's check if both solutions are equivalent:

To convert -1.25 to a fraction, we can write it as -1 1/4. To add -1 to -1 1/4, we change the whole number to a fraction:
-1 + -1 1/4 = -4/4 - 1/4 = -5/4 = -1.25

Therefore, x > -1.25 is equivalent to x > -5/4.

To further simplify x > -5/4, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by -4 to get rid of the negative sign:
-4(x) > -4(-5/4)
-4x > 5

Now let's divide both sides by -4 (remember to flip the inequality sign since it is being divided by a negative number):
-4x / -4 < 5 / -4
x < -5/4

From this calculation, we can see that x > -1.25 is equivalent to x < -5/4. It seems there might be an error in the solution you provided (x > 85/7). Please double-check your calculations or provide more information if there is any additional context.