
CH3 - CH2 - CH - CH2 - CH3

Again, where is the OH attached? I assume it is to the 3rd C from the left.

That will make it a pentane.
So 3-hydroxy-pentane.

Again clearer as


The given molecule can be named using the IUPAC nomenclature, which is a systematic way of naming organic compounds. Here's how you can name the molecule:

1. Count the number of carbon atoms in the longest continuous chain. In this case, there are 5 carbon atoms.

2. Assign a parent name based on the longest continuous chain. The parent name for a 5-carbon chain is "pentane".

3. Identify and name any substituents attached to the main chain. In this case, there is a methyl (CH3) group attached to the second carbon atom.

4. Number the carbon atoms in the main chain in a way that gives the substituents the lowest possible numbers. In this case, we start numbering from the end of the chain closest to the substituent. Therefore, the methyl group is on the 2nd carbon atom.

5. Combine the name of the longest chain with the names of the substituents. In this case, the name would be "2-methylpentane".

So, the name of the given molecule is 2-methylpentane.