How can I solve 3*x^2+y^2=300? (Diophantine equation)

Since you said it is a Diophantine version of the equation, you are looking for solutions with integer values of x and y. x yould have to be 10 or less and y would have to be 17 or less, to make the right side equal to 300. I tried x values of 10 and less and see if there are any y solutions that are integers.

The only integer solution that I could find are (10,0) and (5,15).

3x^2+y^2=300 is the equation of an ellipse, by the way.


By definition, we are seeking integer solutions.

Another solution path:

1--3x^2 + y^2 = 300
2--Let x = a and y = ma
3--3a^2 + m^2 a^2 = 300
4--a^2(3 + m^2) = 300
5--a^2 = 300/(3 + m^2)
6--a = sqrt[300/(3 + m^2)]

Thus, there are only two solutions, (10,0) and (5,15)

Step 7: How do you know that you stop at 3?

To solve the Diophantine equation 3*x^2 + y^2 = 300, we can use a technique called brute force, which involves trying out different values until we find the ones that satisfy the equation.

Here's how you can approach it:

1. Start by taking a range of values for x and y. Since the equation involves 300, it would be reasonable to start with smaller values. For simplicity, let's consider x and y values ranging from -20 to 20.

2. Use nested loops to iterate through all possible pairs of x and y values within the given range. For example, you can use two for loops, one for x and one for y, that range from -20 to 20.

3. For each pair (x, y), substitute it into the equation 3*x^2 + y^2 = 300 and check if it satisfies the equation. Use an if statement to check if the equation is true for a particular pair.

4. If you find a pair of values that satisfy the equation, print or store those values as a solution.

5. Continue iterating through all possible combinations until you have checked all pairs within your chosen range.

Here is a Python code snippet that demonstrates this approach:

for x in range(-20, 21):
for y in range(-20, 21):
if 3*x**2 + y**2 == 300:
print(f"Solution found: x = {x}, y = {y}")

Running this code will output all the solutions that satisfy the given equation.

Note that brute force can be time-consuming for larger ranges of values, so it's important to adjust the range according to the complexity of the problem. Additionally, there may be more efficient methods for solving certain Diophantine equations, but brute force is a simple and straightforward approach for many cases.