what is 28 over 98 in lowest terms?

it can go lower. if you divide each side by 7 you would get the lowest term.

Oops! I goofed.

Thank you, Chin Po.

To simplify the fraction 28/98 to its lowest terms, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of both the numerator (28) and the denominator (98). Once we have the GCD, we divide both the numerator and the denominator by it to reduce the fraction.

Step 1: Find the GCD
To find the GCD of 28 and 98, we can use a method called prime factorization.

Prime factorization of 28:
28 = 2 * 2 * 7

Prime factorization of 98:
98 = 2 * 7 * 7

Step 2: Determine the GCD
The GCD is obtained by multiplying the common prime factors with the lowest exponents from both numbers. In this case, the common prime factors are 2 and 7, and the lowest exponents are 1 for 2 and 1 for 7.

GCD = 2^1 * 7^1 = 2 * 7 = 14

Step 3: Simplify the fraction
Now that we have the GCD of 28 and 98, we divide both the numerator and the denominator by 14 to simplify the fraction.

28/98 = (28 ÷ 14) / (98 ÷ 14) = 2/7

Therefore, 28/98 simplified to its lowest terms is 2/7.


For a number like this, I generally start by dividing by 2 (I'm not a strong math person).

28/98 = 14/49

Wow! That's the lowest it can go.