I need advice on finding the main idea or the authors purpose, when i get bored i tend to find things related to myself, pls advise me on finding what the author want me to find..

One thing you might ask yourself is this: What is the author's "hidden message"? What does he/she want you to learn from the whole story?

thank you, when asking that question than maybe it could help me to infer

When trying to identify the main idea or the author's purpose, there are several strategies you can employ. Here are a few steps to guide you in finding what the author wants you to discover:

1. Skim the text: Begin by quickly reading through the entire passage to get a general sense of the content. Pay attention to headings, subheadings, and any highlighted or bolded text. Skimming will help you form a preliminary understanding of the author's main topic or argument.

2. Identify the thesis statement: Look for a sentence or two that explicitly states the author's main idea or purpose. The thesis statement usually appears at the beginning or end of the introductory paragraph, and it provides a clear roadmap for the text's content.

3. Analyze the supporting details: Pay close attention to specific details, examples, evidence, and arguments presented in the text. These will help you understand how the author supports their main idea or purpose. Take note of any patterns or recurring themes that emerge.

4. Consider the tone and language: Examine the author's choice of words and tone. Are they presenting facts, persuading, informing, entertaining, or expressing an opinion? Understanding the tone can give you insights into the author's purpose and intent.

5. Evaluate the structure: Look at the overall structure of the passage, such as how it is organized, the sequencing of ideas, and the use of transitions. This can provide clues about the author's intended message or the logical progression of their argument.

6. Reflect on the intended audience: Consider who the author might be targeting with their writing. Is it a general audience, experts in a particular field, or a specific demographic? This can help you determine the purpose and the level of detail provided.

7. Summarize the main idea in your own words: After gathering all the necessary information, try to summarize the main idea or purpose of the text in a concise sentence or two. This exercise will help solidify your understanding of the author's intent.

Remember that these steps will require practice and patience. As you become more familiar with analyzing text, it will become easier to discern the main ideas and author's purpose.