should I use who or whom for this?

I just finished watching a romantic movie starring Robert Rodriguez, whom is a wonderful actor. The film was one hour and five minutes which was a little too long for my tastes but I still enjoyed it very much.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Because Robert is the subject, you use WHO. The word WHOM is the objective case, not the subject.

example: That is the actor WHOM I saw. The subject is I and the direct object is actor.


One fairly easy way to decide a question like this is to practice substitution. In this case you can substitute "he" for "who" and "him" for "whom."

Which makes sense?
--He is a wonderful actor.
--Him is a wonderful actor.

If you chose "he" then in your sentence it needs to be "who" -- but if you chose "him" then in your sentence it needs to be "whom."

What do you think?

The correct pronoun to use in this case is "who" instead of "whom."

To determine whether to use "who" or "whom" in a sentence, it is important to understand the difference between subject and object pronouns. In this sentence, "Robert Rodriguez" is the subject of the verb "is," and "whom" is functioning as a pronoun referring to "Robert Rodriguez."

"Who" is a subject pronoun, used when the person is the subject of a verb. In this case, we would say, "Robert Rodriguez is a wonderful actor."

On the other hand, "whom" is an object pronoun, used when the person is the object of a verb or preposition. For example, "I just finished watching a movie starring Robert Rodriguez, whom I admire."

Therefore, the corrected sentence should be: "I just finished watching a romantic movie starring Robert Rodriguez, who is a wonderful actor."