Do I qualify for an application for a Sasol bbursary as I am currently studing s1 at University of Johannesburg.I have an "A" for maths SG,"D" for P.Sience HG,"D" for Biology HG,"B" for Sepedi 1st Lang HG,"D" for English 2nd Lang HG&"E" for Afrikaans 2nd Lang HG.

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To determine if you qualify for a Sasol bursary, you need to refer to the specific requirements set by Sasol. While I do not have access to the specific eligibility criteria for the Sasol bursary, I can guide you on how to find that information.

1. Visit the Sasol bursary website: Go to the official website of Sasol or search for "Sasol bursary" on a search engine.

2. Navigate to the bursary section: Look for a section or tab on the website that provides information about bursaries or scholarships. It may be located under a "Careers" or "Opportunities" section.

3. Find the eligibility requirements: Look for the eligibility criteria for the Sasol bursary program. This information is usually provided in detail. Check if there are any specific grade, subject, or language requirements.

4. Evaluate your grades: Compare your individual subject grades with the requirements outlined by Sasol. Pay close attention to the subjects that are required for the bursary.

5. Assess other requirements: Apart from academics, there may be additional requirements such as financial need, South African citizenship, or other factors. Ensure that you meet these requirements as well.

6. Contact Sasol for confirmation: If you are unsure about your eligibility based on the information provided, reach out to Sasol directly. They may be able to provide further clarification or answer any specific questions you have regarding your application.

Remember, specific bursary requirements can vary, so make sure to always refer to the official sources, such as the Sasol bursary website or directly contacting Sasol, for accurate and up-to-date information.