Why days are longer in summer ?

In the northern hemisphere the earth tilt is such that there are more hours of direct sun.

This site will explain more completely.


What is electricity? and how are nuckears involved?

Kelsey -- please click Post a New Question and then type your question. What do you mean by "nuckears?" There is no such word. Do you mean nuclear?

If you type "what is electricity" into Google, you will get links to a lot of websites that tell you, such as http://www.eia.doe.gov/kids/energyfacts/sources/electricity.html

"nuckears" may be an earlier mispronunciation of the word "nuclear" by our current President, who now calls it "nucular". It is an adjective, not a noun, and thus has no plural.

Some electricity is generated by nuclear energy. For more about that subject, post a separate question.

eirurjt dferj

A coulomb is measure of whereas an ampere is a meaasure of

The length of days in summer is directly related to the tilt of the Earth on its axis. During summer, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. This tilt causes sunlight to spread out over a larger area, resulting in longer daylight hours.

To understand why this happens, imagine yourself standing on a flat surface (representing the Earth's equator) and holding a basketball (representing the Sun) above your head. If you tilt your head slightly away from the basketball, the light from the basketball will cover a smaller area on your body. This would be similar to what happens during winter in the Northern Hemisphere, when it is tilted away from the Sun. The sunlight is spread out over a larger area, resulting in shorter daylight hours.

However, during summer, if you tilt your head slightly towards the basketball, the light will cover a larger area on your body. This is similar to what happens during summer in the Northern Hemisphere, when it is tilted towards the Sun. The sunlight is spread out over a smaller area, resulting in longer daylight hours.

So, the tilt of the Earth's axis is responsible for the variations in day length throughout the year.