Is this correct?

I like going to the swimming pool.

Tengo gusto de ir a la piscina.

Me gusta ir a la piscina.

If you say "Tengo gusto de ir a la piscina." you are saying" I want to go to the pool.

tener gusto de...


Yes, your sentence is correct! The phrase "I like going to the swimming pool" translates accurately to "Tengo gusto de ir a la piscina" in Spanish.

To form this sentence correctly, you need to remember a few things:

1. In Spanish, the subject pronoun "I" is expressed as "yo." However, it is often omitted since the verb form already indicates the subject. So, "yo" can be left out in this case.

2. The verb "like" is translated as "gustar" in Spanish. When using "gustar," the thing that is liked is treated as the subject of the sentence, and the person liking it becomes the indirect object. In this case, "going to the swimming pool" is what you like, so it becomes the subject of the sentence.

3. The phrase "going to the swimming pool" is translated as "ir a la piscina" in Spanish. Here, "ir" means "to go," and "a la piscina" means "to the swimming pool."

So, "I like going to the swimming pool" is correctly translated as "Tengo gusto de ir a la piscina" in Spanish.